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Dead Skunk Logo: round logo of a white skunk silhouette on a black background with the words “Dead Skunk” in cursive. “Dead” is neon purple and “Skunk” is neon yellow.
Black fountain pen with silver tip and one drop of black in splattered on a white background.

Subs will reopen soon for a special themed issue. Stay tuned!


Submit by March 15, 2022 to be considered for Issue 3: Summer 2022.

Dead Skunk wants your ink-smeared paragraphs and ripped journal pages. Send us your lyric essays, haikus, and experimental fiction. We aim to publish tried-and-true compositions alongside flash-fried, postmodern concoctions. We're interested in captivating writing that galvanizes the imagination.

Dead Skunk is an independent online literary magazine edited by E. Samples and Suzanne Samples. We publish Fiction, Creative Nonfiction (CNF), Poetry, Flash Fiction, Flash CNF, and Hybrid/Experimental writing. The dead skunk may be in the middle of the road, but we're looking for lit left-of-center. Whether this is your first submission or you've had publications in hundreds of journals no one has ever heard of, we want to read your work.

Subs close March 15, 2022.

We're currently working on Issue 2. The deadline to be considered for publication in Issue 3, our Summer issue, is March 15, 2022.

Submissions may be sent via Submittable OR by sending an email to with your submission document attached.


Please only submit one time using one submission platform.  To use Submittable click the button at the bottom of the page.

Send unpublished writing only. Do not submit to more than one category/genre at a time and only send one submission at a time. Wait to hear back from us before you submit again. If your work is accepted, wait at least six months before sending more writing.


All submissions are read anonymously. Do not put your name on your attached submission document unless it is a CNF piece and your name needs to be there. 


Most submissions should be Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double-spaced, and edited as you see fit.


Of course, if you're submitting a hybrid gem or have a unique way of formatting your poetry, go for it. We will do our best to preserve the integrity of the piece.

If submitting on Submittable, type the category of your submission and the title(s) in the Title field of the submission form. For example, if you submit a Flash Fiction piece titled "Possum in a Trash Can" the Title field should read: FLASH FICTION, Possum in a Trash Can.


If you submit using email, format the subject line of your email: FLASH FICTION, Possum in a Trash Can

We prefer a .doc/.docx file type or something similar, but are willing to consider other file types. If your piece has very specific formatting you may want to send it in a .pdf.


Simultaneous submissions are fine but please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere by emailing and putting "Withdraw Submission" in the subject line, or withdrawing the piece in Submittable.

Fiction/Creative Nonfiction (CNF)


Put "FICTION" or "CNF" in the title field(Submittable) or subject line(email) of your submission.  Please keep submissions between 1000-3000 words, double-spaced formatting. The general rule is no identifying information on the submission attachment, but you're welcome to include your name in a story if it's in the Creative Nonfiction category.


Only one piece at a time. We aren't super into genre-specific work (unless the genre is cats), but who knows? You may be the first! Make it lyrical. Dark but funny. Make us laugh, cry, and need a drink all at once. Know The Elements of Style, but break the hearts of Strunk & White.  


Flash Fiction/Flash CNF

Put "FLASH FICTION" or "FLASH CNF" in the title field(Submittable) or subject line(email) of your submission. Keep submissions under 1000 words, double-spaced formatting.  Generally, no identifying information on the submission document, but it's ok to include your name in a work if it's in the Flash Creative Nonfiction category.


Only one story at a time, even though it's short. Give us a beginning, middle, and end, though not necessarily in that order. Is it a poem or a story? There’s really no need to decide.  




Put "POETRY" in the title field(Submittable) or subject line(email) of your submission. Do not put your name on the submission attachment. No more than 3 poems in a single document. Start each poem on a new page. If your poems have titles, list them on the first page.  


Long poems are fine, but let's keep it under 3000 words. Double-spacing is not required for poetry submissions; space the poem exactly how you would like it to look if it is chosen for publication. We will consider all forms and styles of poetry on any and all subjects. Song lyrics, villanelles, Twitter threads - whatever you can poeticize, we'll consider.



Put "HYBRID" the title field(Submittable) or subject line(email) of your submission. As long as we can squeeze them on our website and they are cohesive with your words, we welcome hybrid pieces that contain original art, music, or your best pepperoni roll recipe. Do not put your name on the submission attachment unless it is relevant or necessary to the piece. Please send no more than 3 hybrid/experimental pieces at a time in one attachment, total word count under 1000.

HOT TIP: If you aren’t sure which category fits best, submit to any of them; we will still read it. We will get back to you as soon as possible, but if you constantly bother us, it will just take us longer to read your actual work.


Email questions or concerns to and we will respond as soon as we can.

Wait, There's More

All submission emails should contain a brief 50-100 word bio that notes your favorite pop or soda. If you choose anything but Ale-8 or Dr. Enuf, we probably won't publish you. We kid, maybe. Also, let us know if you say pop, soda, or Coke. This is important.

In addition to your bio include any social media info or personal website/blog links that you'd like to share with readers.

The Editors of Dead Skunk volunteer their time, wit, and extremely limited technological skills to make the only known lit mag that claims to not stink a reality. No one is making money here so, unfortunately, we're not able to pay artists at this time. We are also unable to provide individualized feedback. If we publish you, we will promote the hell out of you and your work on social media. Your creation(s) will have a permanent loving home at Dead Skunk.

Dead Skunk haunts and stirs and turns heads. It is a dimension of voice-driven words and rebellious imagination. Dead Skunk is honest and unforgettable, a signature scent lingering between the trees long after the epilogue. 



Fiction / CNF / Poetry / Flash / Hybrid
Black and pale purple sparkling glitter.

We can't wait to stay up all night reading your words.

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