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Eve Robin Kaplan is a rising ninth grader at Cate School. She is a Co Editor in Chief of GirlTalk Magazine. Eve's work has been featured in Spearhead Magazine, Teen Ink, Fem Magazine and Bindweed Magazine. She lives in Los Angeles, California, plays beach volleyball, sews and debates politics with everyone she meets. Her favorite soda is LaCroix. Website:

Green with yellow outlines,
We are taught not to touch cactuses
For fear of pain
But what happens when you begin to crave
What you were told to fear?
An ocean swallowing all of us under
We were taught to fear getting lost in the madness
But we, ourselves, are so mad,
What is there to fear?
Just a little deeper. I said.
Just one more time. I lied.
Header image by Olga Niekrasove, Getty Images Pro
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